So everything was this dark when we reached. Meh.
I went there with my favorite people: Gordon, Jia Min and Aaron.
Pardon the quality of the pictures, some were taken with S3 and it was just too dark. :(
I promise it's much more beautiful when you are there in person.
These photos aren't doing much justice.
I felt I was in the Avatarland when all the lights turned blue. Woohoo~!
I heard people commenting "Oh my, this doesn't even feel like we are in Singapore. It's as though we are in a different planet!"
The Conservatories and OCBC Skyway were closed by the time we reached. (Admission tickets are needed by the way).
So we only stayed outdoor (it's operating from 0500-0200 daily!)
Gordon and I ran away from the soon-to-be-couple to give them some alone time!
Please be thankful guys. I ran with my heels, and it hurts like crazy.
I had a good long chat with Gordon while Jia Min just kept giving spam calls.
To you Gordon:
I really love people who knows how to seek pleasure in simple moments. And certainly people who takes time to reply with long typed messages, just because they care and would want to make you feel better. And people makes you feel important as a person and worthy as a friend.
I'm really amazed how comfortable I am when you my friend! Come to think of it, we didn't know each other for that long period of time; let alone hanging out together.
I'm thankful for all the times you were there to listen to my rantings (like my weird dreams or unhappy memories).
Gordon, you are a special friend. And I'm sure I'm not the only one thinks that way!
(Aww, I'm so sweet!)

I mistook the LED Flying Kites in the sky as Cable Cars. (Y)
Please don't judge me. I'm a local tourist. OMG.
I gave Aaron and Jia Min wrong directions, but oh well they still found us.
Gordon knew that and didn't correct me at all. MAKE ME PAISEH ONLY. Meh.
And so, it's time for some camwhoring!
Thumbs up if you think that this is super sweet! :D
Look at how awkward Gordon is!
Aaron is too woodblock I couldn't think of cool poses.
Perhaps my brain was just dead - it was bedtime then alright.
Hey Aaron:
Hey buddy! You are one of the most mature guy friend I ever had or will ever have!
You are one selfless person who always swallow your anger, frustrations, unhappiness and the list goes on. I felt that you should know that you don't have to keep everything to yourself.
I know to you don't like to burden your friends with your problems. I'm not doubting your capabilities of handling things, but you can count on me, count on us!
We are friends. And friends don't see another as a burden.
I wanna be there for you just like how you did.
So buddy, even though we are all grown-ups now and busy with our stuff, our friendship will last. You promised me that by the way! I love you!
Dearest Jiamin:
And in case if you have not saw my fb update, this gorgeous lady here has been my BFF since 12 years ago. I asked her, "what's your first impression of me?" and her reply? "YOU ARE MY FIRST BEST FRIEND!"
Lahlah, nobody can ever replace you in my heart! I just declared my love on you on fb. Please be touched and love me more, thank you! :D
"BFF, I can't imagine life without you. I'm thankful for all the crazy times we had together, for supporting me in whatever I'm doing, and correcting me and help me advance as a better person. I love you!"
(And I realised lahlah didn't take pic with Gordon!)
I have no idea how Aaron did this awkward pose. It was as though his head was twisted or something HAHAHA.
My foot was so fking pain by the way. I broke my record of wearing my heels for a straight 14hours. I travelled around the whole of Singapore that day.
We took a cab home and I think I was on drugs by then. I WALKED BARE-FOOTED.
Jia Min was saying she could feel my pain while the two NS man just abandoned us behind like this.
I remembered I was complaining to Jia Min didn't NS teach them to "leave no man behind?"
and Jia Min replied, "but they didn't teach them to leave no woman behind!"
And the best part of the experiences, putting aside my foot full of blisters, was that I knew all of us enjoyed ourselves that night. The importance of companion.
I was so happy when I looked through these pictures Aaron sent to me and when I read their blog posts.
Do check out Aaron's and Gordon's post here.
A great weekend indeed :D
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