Sunday, 30 June 2013


I'm not sure if this would really work, but it has receive a lot of positive comments thus far.
So I'm noting this done for my own future reference should that day come!



  具体是将产后一个月按周划分,每周根据需要,吃不同的食品:   第一周,主要是要把多余的水分和毒素以及恶露排出体外,每天喝生化汤,吃麻油炒猪肝。注意不能喝水(否则排水的效果就没了),渴了就喝止渴饮料,如荔枝核、山楂片等,或煮开的米酒。任何菜都不能放水,用米酒煮开代替。不能放盐(盐会使水分停留在身体里),不能放醋(醋会使骨质变软),不能放酱油(道理同盐)。
  第三周到一个月,这时候,该排的已经排完,主要吃麻油鸡补身体。千万记得,排完毒素后吃麻油鸡才能被身体吸收,否则堆积在身体里,成为多余的脂肪。 因为前期身体虚弱,中医讲虚不受补,吃了吸收不了,只会加重身体的负担。
  2、 同时,坐月子期间,不能吹风,着凉。


  产妇若因故临时不亲自喂奶,也要把积存于乳房中的奶挤掉,旧奶积存于乳房会使乳房产生硬块或导致乳腺炎,最好在产后的六个月中都能充分的授乳,这是最顺乎自然的育儿原则,不但能保护母亲,而且可减少日后发生乳癌的机会。   如果奶水清淡或不足,不妨于产后第三周起补充花生猪脚;而为了要让产后奶水快速分泌,可于产后第一时间施行"按电铃"(刺激乳头)的功课。


P.S; Credits to whoever came up with this.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Entertainment during this Hazy Period

While checking the constant PSI value, I came across too many hilarious posts I feel like sharing.
Don't you think Singaporeans though love to complain, are actually rather creative and interesting people? Well, at least that's my take!

And this kiddo put on such a big smile on me.

My favourite boy from Ah-Boys-to-men predicted this wayyyyy earlier!

This was taken at Robinson Road earlier today when the PSI hit a record new high of 401. I'm not too sure if the two helicopters being sent to plant the cloud seedlings will salvage this situation in a great way. In any case, I do appreciate the efforts. Thank you Ministers for working so hard.

I was extremely touched when I saw MP Ong Teng Koon and his team walked down the community to distribute mask. It doesn't matter what kind of mask was given. To think they are concerned about their people's health, and willing to sacrifice so much for us (they can choose to stay in their office where it is haze-free). I'm extremely thankful being born in this lovely little island, Singapore.

I have seen citizens walking forward to offer masks to the vulnerable (elderly selling tissue papers), and construction workers!

Though the haze has hit levels that brought about certain discomfort in our lives, there are many people sacrificing their own health to drive for you, deliver for you and nurse you. Take a moment to thank these frontline workers and staff that are keeping our everyday lives going through this trying time. Let's be kind and patient to them and say some positive words to people around us.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

PSI Level 371 - Life at Stake

I get the following extract off CNN (S'pore).

Laksono on Thursday accused Singapore of "behaving like a child" by complaining about severe haze from raging forest fires on Sumatra island that has cloaked the city-state.

"Singapore should not be behaving like a child and making all this noise," Agung Laksono, the minister who is coordinating Indonesia's response to the haze crisis, told reporters in Jakarta.

"This is not what the Indonesian nation wants, it is because of nature."

The minister for people's welfare also said Jakarta would reject any offer of financial aid from Singapore unless it was a large amount.

"Unless (Singapore) wants to give us a large amount, we won't consider accepting it," he said. "If it is only half a million, or one million dollars, we don't need that. We would rather use our own national budget."

Laksono said investigations were under way to find out which company was responsible for the haze.

"There are Indonesian, Singaporean and Malaysian companies there," he said, echoing previous comments from officials in Jakarta seeking to shift the blame away from solely Indonesian firms.

The comments came as the neighbours prepared to hold emergency talks in Jakarta to ease the severe smog enveloping the city-state.
I was ragging when I read this article while constantly checking the PSI level.

Who is he to call us Singaporeans baby, whining over the haze matter? Sending us your polluted haze almost yearly as your greeting is not friendly by one bit.
Singapore's air pollutant index was again hovering around the "hazardous" level of 371 in the afternoon (It was actually 468 based on hourly estimation).

While, it may not be our first time facing this haze issue, but it is definitely the first time it got this bad. I'm not complaining as though we are that weak and would die in haze. I was upset because I do have friends suffering from asthma, who panted real bad due to haze.

Furthermore, our poor construction workers etc., working under the hot sun, has no choice but to suck in haze. They have to continue to work unless a "stop-work" order is given. We are not used to living in this harsh haze environment. And so it justifies why we are making a "big" thing out of this haze. It concerns our health, our lives.

The main thing that I was mad about was the fact that Laksono was still blaming other countries for the haze. I really ponder the objective for doing so? And that he actually mentioned that the amount we are rendering is too little. Do some justice please.

I think that our Ministers are too nice people. They are all taking advantages of our governments.

- Pissed Singaporean.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Effective Way in Removing Make-Up

For the beauties out there, this is one good way to remove heavy make-up.
Managed to chance upon this video.

I have not tried it personally - I'm not a someone who puts on make-up most of the time.
When I do, I will do a review if it is effective alright!

In any case, avoid heavy make-up!
Allow your skin to breathe alright? :)

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Days in CareCorner (Woodlands) - Mid Placement

Well, it's time to disclose that I have been a little busy with placement.
Yes, I'm having internship in Year 1. #lifeofasocialworker.

Being in the family of Care Corner (Woodlands), the most caring supervisor, and your best pals who are fighting with you, life could not have been better.

Personal growth is linked to my professional growth. This is my line of work. And I have been enjoying every bit of it. Albeit the tiredness in reflecting in almost every single aspects of your work, it's exactly how we grow.

He calls himself "The CHOSEN ONE".

When I first came in, I questioned the need for involving in so much planning.
When I first came in, I questioned the need for being a warrior who are involved in the "sai-kang" work.
Yet, they are all linked. The 3 Hs: HEAD (To THINK), HEART, (To FEEL), HAND (To DO). 3Hs is the very first few things that my supervisor taught me, after importance of self-care.

I'm so blessed to be greeted by Mr. Sunshine when he was getting ready to knock off today!

These are the food that I munched on that keep me company for my work.

I promise we have a fair bit of talent in arts, all 4 of us!

This is one interaction with a child which impacted me quite a fair bit.
Inflicting self-harm at the age of 2, I wonder what has happened back at home. Reminded not to jump to conclusion too early, I could not help it when her father started scolding her mother in front of us strangers.

There in the room, left the both of us.
She cried and cried, cried for her mum. Her parents were in another room for counselling.
I tried to pacify her, but failed.

So, I started to talk to wall, talk to the air, talk to myself. Slowly, she began to accept me.
She started to get my attention when I stop talking.
Finally, her little hand held on to mine. She listened to me. She waved me good bye, although with her head held down still.
It was good enough though. :')

My most caring partner.
Chrysan was so sensitive she noticed I was different the other day after youth-outreach in the community.
She was right.
I saw someone walking past me, someone I have not seen for more than 4 years? Yet he doesn't seem to recognise me. Perhaps I was too tired that day and my eyes were playing trick on me.

I was not too certain if it was that I was affected, or was it that fatigue hit me I became quitter than usual.

In any case, I am good now.
In fact I was good after a long-rest, recharged!

Look at how much pride we have, we decorated our desk so beautifully.
Even though it's just a 10 weeks stay.

A profession that one has to evaluate on a daily basis, that challenges and stretch one.
A profession that allows one to learn, from his or her client.
A profession that most importantly, allows one to learn more about himself or herself. Self-Awareness.

I think I will choose this profession over others, over and over again.
Even when, it means I might become increasingly aware of my weaknesses and shortcomings.
I'm so glad I came here, NUS FASS, to have a chance to be exposed to Social Work.

I have a lot more to share;
I went to Gardens by the Bay (Planned by Nelson),
Tomorrow is a Big Day - Happy Family Day
We had 2 Open Houses last week for Youth Drop-in Centre.

Maybe I will do another post when time permits, soon!

Saturday, 8 June 2013

22 Taylor Swift

Awww, all my favourite you-tubers. :D
I'm like a happy girl with her candy when I hear this piece which they collaborated. By the way, they are on tour this summer!

Swensens Date at CWP

Aglio Olio
I think Swensens serve the best Aglio Olio! :D

Chesse Sticks
They are just too hard :(


We were practically laughing like idiots over this.
We don't have to do amazing things together to find joy and laughter, a silly one like imagining we have to eat out of the shopping mall because the ice-cream served would be 210 foot tall is good enough.

Jia Min, Nickie and myself chilling at Starbucks after,;

I love these girls so much because I can be myself, and they love me so so much still.
There is no need to attempt to put on any mask or any shield, it's just so comfortable. We don't even have to try. :')

I'm missing them ald.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple; Life in the 1970s

SSA1208: Everyday Life of Chinese Singaporeans (NUS)

Kwan Im Temple is one of the most well-known Buddhist Temple to date in Singapore. It encompasses a rich and solid history that will definitely captivates one. 

A combination of oral history and research that I have conducted previously, this is an account on what life was like then for my Singapore Studies Module, SSA1208 (Everyday life of Chinese Singaporeans) in NUS.

It was dawn, just before the day was breaking. Waterloo Street was slowly filling up with people and vehicles, many heading towards the direction of Kwan Im Temple.

Kwan Im Temple is a Taoist Temple in Waterloo Street since 1884. The temple was first built dedicating to worshipping of Goddess of Mercy, for the migrant of the Chinese population in Singapore. It is one of the most popular temples among the Buddhist and Taoist, especially among the local devotes of Kuan Yin.

It was the first of the lunar calendar. People with all sorts of attire squeezed through the entrance of the Kwan Im Temple. The pleasing smell of incense burning wafting above everything else was the first to greet the crowd. In fear that the soot of the incense offerings may stain the inner ceiling of the temple, it was only allowed outside the temple hall.

Free joss sticks were available on both of side of the entrance, while some devotees entered the temple with joss sticks bought by them. After lighting of there joss sticks, worshippers prayed in all directions, some facing outside the temple, looking into the sky, some facing the temple hall, towards the statue of the Kuan Yin.

Almost immediately after one offered incense in the urn for incense offerings, which is placed in the center of the temple outside the temple hall, the volunteers of the temple would remove these joss sticks to make room for other devotees. The overwhelming crowd would force one to move away from the urn for incense offerings before one could sigh and feel that it was a waste for offering incense for less than ten seconds.

The devotees know the rules clearly where all would remove their shoes before stepping into the temple hall. A hall with pillars entwined with dragons made of wood , devotees would collect a cylinder (brass can) filled with 100 divination sticks (wooden sticks) and a pair of jiaobei blocks (moon-liked blocks), before proceeding to the center of the hall. Here, devotees would kneel on the red carpet, in front of the statue of deities and whisper their prayers. “Chuck, chuck, chuck …”, the clanking of the constant rhythm from the cylinder of divination sticks filled the entire hall.

When their prayers and questions are being answered, upon a fallen divination stick (or Qian) of the cylinder and verified by the jiaobei blocks facing opposite directions , devotees would bring that stick to the counter and to return the cylinder and blocks as well. The volunteers at the counter would issue a piece of divination slip – a fortune telling messages from deities to the believers - correspondingly to their divination stick.

The statue of the three main deities were placed separately on different altars – Kuan Yin on the center, Ta Ma Tan Shith on the left and Hua Tuo (the Chinese patron saint of medicine and healing) on the right. A large image of the Sakyamuni Buddha was placed in the rear hall. Some worshippers stood in front of the deities and offered flowers, some prayed silently with two-palms together, others sat on the chairs provided at the rear hall to reflect or simply to rest. Finally, some offered a donation and drop it in the box in front of the altar of Kuan Yin for the temple.

Devotees are to exit the temple with the either two smaller exits doors at the side, so as not to obstruct the traffic of those entering through the main door. With their divination slips, devotees would crowd around those elderly providing interpretation service just outside the temple. A single slip of divination slip could have a variation of outcomes depending on the type of questions being asked. Devotees commonly enquire about their health, career, marriage and pregnancy. A few dollars was offered to the elderly for the service, commonly interpret these divinations with a book in accordance to the ancient classics.

During the first or the fifteen of the lunar calendar thousands of devotees will make their way to visit the Kwan Im Temple. During Chinese New Year when the temple is kept all night long, many worshippers turned up to thank Kuan Yin for her blessings for the past one-year, and or to offer incense for Kuan Yin for an auspicious year ahead.

The street outside of the temple was packed. It was the first of the lunar calendar. Vehicles were moving in and out of the road, with flowers vendors busy selling incenses and flowers. The flower vendors would set up their stalls at the side of the road, sometimes moving to the center to get more customers. “Flowers for you? Miss, do you want to purchase joss-sticks?” they would call out (in Chinese). The selling of vegetables for a living at the street was no longer in sight after the World War II Period. Groups or pairs of elderly were loitering along the street. Waterloo Street is a common meeting ground for many. They were also fortuneteller stalls, accompanied with varying small statues or pictures of Buddha and lighted incense, some with long queues.

One of the most auspicious street in Singapore, Waterloo streets are filled with many religious buildings – Sri Krishnan Temple (Hindu Temple), the Church of St. Peter and Paul, the Maghain Aboth Synagogue and the Malabar Muslim Jama-Ath Mosque. It is a fine example that illustrates the multi-ethnic and religious prospects of Singapore. Some of the devotees of the Kuan Yin would also proceed to offer incense at the Hindu Temple next door as a form of respect and acceptance and to ask for more blessings.

Kwan Im Temple is very well known for blessing. This is the very reason that the temple is so popular, with crowds even on any other usual days. Through word of mouth, the temple gained more worshippers every year, and hence it renovated to increase the size and accessibility of the temple. There is also a myth that went viral among the believers of the Kuan Yin. In the late 1930s, Japanese dropped a bomb in the Waterloo Street and Kwan Im Temple was the only building that suffered minimal damage. It was a miracle and believers believe that it was due to the blessings and protection from the Kuan Yin and hence, an increase in the number of devotees after.

Twilight fell. The sky turned to a light, dusky purple as the stallholders started to pack their stalls. The crowd were dispersing themselves and soon the temple is closed for the day. The comforting view of the quiet street was all that was available on the Waterloo Street thereafter.