I managed to chance upon this beautiful short clip that reminds me of this undying love from all parents. The pain that our Mothers have to go through when conceiving us, the sweat and blood that our Fathers (or both) have to sacrificed to provide us food, shelter and warmth.
I celebrated that special Sunday at home, together with my favourite friends. Together, we commemorated this exclusive day. A simple cake, few dishes, after praying session.
Kudos to all noble Mummy and Daddy! Look at how happy we were :D
My mummy was the most beautiful princess in her campus back then. I remember hearing stories about how the other suitors tried to win her heart but all failed.
How lucky is my daddy!
All these years, you have been working so hard for the family (of course daddy too).
You have been working so hard, you did not have time for yourself. I have never seen you buy any make-up materials for yourself, nor pamper yourself with any treatments like spa and all.
Thank you for giving me such a beautiful family; thank you for showering me with all your love without reserving any.
You did so much for me and little brothers; a thank you is never enough for me to return you all these that you have sacrificed.
A little reminder for myself: For that she has did so much for me, it's time to be a little more sensible. Her youth, her beauty, her time, her effort, her blood, and the never-ending list. Remember her love for you, remember you are blessed Pecky. :)
Because no one knows me better than you do, no matter what happens, you'll be there always. Thank you mummy for never giving up on me. I may not be the best daughter but you are the best mummy ever! I love you :D