Sunday 12 May 2013

Reminder: Listen, to their story; before you judge.

The camera wanders and shows the inner lives of people around us as they do their daily tasks. Most of it is set in a hospital, where there is so much worry, sadness, some joy, bad news, good news, no news, anxiety, fear – as in real life, but perhaps magnified.

We've all BEEN there - all experienced at least one - or more! - of what these people are experiencing. Hence, the tears! It's so TRUE.

This short video is at once quiet, profound, powerful, true, simple – and so supremely human. It was produced by the Cleveland Clinic, as an example of their regard for empathy.

It’s a profound reminder: we ALL have our story. Others have theirs. We NEVER know. And to treat others with the benefit of the doubt, with courtesy, with compassion, with respect.

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